
Python version

The emtelliPro SDK supports Python 3.6 and later.

Installing the package

Using pip, you’ll be able to install the .whl package you’ve been provided in the SDK files:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade wheel setuptools
pip install emtellipro-VERSION-py3-none-any.whl

Now that you’ve installed the package, you should have an emtellipro-client executable in your PATH. To ensure that this was installed successfully, you can do a test run to just print out the client version number:

emtellipro-client --version

If this is successful, you should see some output that looks like:

emtellipro-client, version 3.0.1

Next steps

We suggest that you next go to Basic Client to read about the basic client, emtellipro-client and do some initial testing:

  1. Test that your API access keys have been properly set up

  2. Submit a sample file for processing