The emtelliPro Python SDK supports plugins based on signals; different parts of the SDK will emit signals, and listen for responses from plugin functions subscribed to the signals.
Examples for subscribing to signals are provided in the examples/plugin
How to design a plugin
There are two important aspects of designing a plugin: discovery, and registration. First, the SDK needs to find the plugin, and then it will register it with the necessary hooks in the SDK (in this case, the hooks will be the signals).
For the SDK to find the plugin, it must contain a emtellipro.plugins
point in its
. For example, in the demo plugin provided in
, we have
'emtellipro.plugins': 'demo = demo_package',
In this case the plugin package name is demo_package
and that is what will
be used as the plugin name when the SDK clients are used.
The SDK’s plugin loading code will find all installed packages with an
entry point and will load them.
After discovering the plugins, the SDK will register them so the
signal-handling code will know which functions to call when signals are
emitted. To do this, the plugin must define a register()
function which
should attach signal receivers to specific signals, and which may perform any
other setup necessary for the plugin.
In the example plugin, we have the following registration function which
attaches receivers to the get_result_modifiers
and get_text_encryptors
signals. The result_receiver
and encryptor_receiver
functions are
defined elsewhere in the plugin.
# in the package's
from emtellipro import signals
def register():
This will be called by ``emtellipro.plugins.enable_plugins()`` to attach
receivers to signals.
Available signals
Signals are present in the emtellipro.plugins.signals
package, and may be
imported from there, or using
from emtellipro import signals
Signals that begin with get_
are used for discovering functions which will
be called on a particular data (as described below for each specific signal).
Receivers for these signals must return functions which will themselves be used
for modifying data; receivers may return a function, a list of functions, or
Currently, the available signals are the following
This signal will be emitted as soon as a processing result is received from the emtelliPro API. The receiver of this signal will be given the result format (e.g.
) as the first argument and must return eitherNone
, a function, or a list of functions. If the returned value is not None, the functions returned will be called in order on the result from the API to provide a modified result that will be used for the rest of the processing in the SDK.The functions modifying the processing result will receive as input a string and must return a string containing data in the same format as the input (i.e. if the data contains JSON, it must return JSON in the same result format).
This signal will be emitted by the database saving code used by the database client to allow encrypting or otherwise modifying text before it is sent to the database. Receivers of this signal will be given a text type, and can return functions which encrypt the given text type.
Options for text type are
. If you don’t wish to handle the different types differently, you may ignore the text type provided.Encryption functions will be provided with a list of strings and must return a list of strings back (the two strings must have the same length). The strings will be the values of multiple texts that will be stored in the appropriate
columns in the database.